Children's Sabbath School
Children's Sabbath School
Adult Sabbath School
Adult Sabbath School
Song Service
Song Service
Song Service
Camp Meeting 2021- the Prodigal Son sermon
Pastor Bounprany preaching
The son is out of money!
Boys listening
Faithful translator to English
Passing out paper
Audience listening
Collecting paper with "sins" written on them.
All in a box.
Burning up the "sins" given to Jesus!
Baptism candidates.
Going down to the lake.
Wading in.
The wife, first baptism.
Coming up out of the watery grave!
The husband, second baptism.
Down into the grave...
Up into newness of life!
Happy husband & wife.
Group picture after baptism.
The photographers.
A horse comes to visit the kids.
Enjoying fellowship
Studying God's creatures...what is it?!
A beetle !!!
Preparing for lunch.
Mmmm...smells good!
Almost ready!
Starting of sing time.
Our musicians.
Time for another group picture after singing.
ASAP Pastor Robert & his wife was with us.!
Pastor Bounprany