For all your Sabbath School, personal ministries, and public evangelism needs, be sure to visit

Sabbath School
A key part of the Michigan Conference's Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department is training and equipping Sabbath School leaders for effective ministry. Here are some helpful resources you can use in your adult* Sabbath School:
*For children's ministry resources, visit; for youth ministry resources, visit

Personal Ministries
“The Lord desires that His word of grace shall be brought home to every soul. To a great degree this must be accomplished by personal labor. This was Christ’s method” (Christian Service, p. 117). The aim of the Personal Ministries Department is to involve every member of the Michigan Conference in personal, soul-winning labor. To aid in this endeavor, the department provides essential training, tools, and resources for Michigan Conference churches and their members to be effective witnesses for Christ. Specialized ministries such as Hope for Humanity (Ingathering), Prison Ministries, and Disabilities Ministries are also within the purview of the department.
Emmanuel Institute

The Emmanuel Institute is is the evangelism training and resource center of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Since 2009, we have been helping church members and leaders to become active soulwinners and agents of revival and reformation. Our short, intensive training programs are designed for those busy individuals who want to make more of an impact in their churches and communities in preparing the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ!
To register for upcoming training courses, visit

The MICHionary
The MICHionary is your Michigan Conference Sabbath School, Personal Ministries, and Public Evangelism Newsletter. Each month you'll receive the latest news and resources to help you win souls for Christ and grow your local church. If you'd like to receive The MICHionary, click here to add your email address to the mailing list today!

Pastor Kameron DeVasher
SSPM Director
Evangelism Coordinator

Pastor Mark Howard
SSPM Associate Director
Emmanuel Institute Director

Stephanie Howard
SSPM Administrative Assistant