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Conference Calendar iCal Import Instructions

If you use Google Calendar you can add the Conference calendar to your calendar by clicking "Calendar" at the top of any misda.org page, then clicking the "+ Google" button on the bottom right corner of the calendar. For iCal, follow the instructions below.

In your calendar app, add a new calendar subscription and use the following address as the iCal URL: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/misda.org_c6pvj5ib6d62rvki4l6p1o19n0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics


The images below outline the steps for one possible calendar application, the Apple Calendar app.


In the Calendar app, select File>New Calendar Subscription... 


 Paste the URL from this page into the "Calendar URL" field and click "Subscribe".


Set the calendar settings according to your preferences and click "OK".