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Would the Community Notice your Absence?

"Would the Community Notice Your Absence?" 

Feb 1, 2022 | Vickie Trombley | Member, Pittsburg Church 


"If your church disappeared today, would anyone other than the church members even notice?" I read in December from the Adventist Community Services offering appeal. As I reflected on that question, I can truly say the answer is "yes."

But why? Why am I so confident in my church? For these reasons:  This past August, we started a food pantry, opening the first Tuesday of every month to distribute non-perishable food items to those in need. On opening day in September,  26 families received food. In October, we distributed food to 39 families, and in December, 53 families received food. 

Unfortunately, in the month of November, there was a major COVID outbreak, and we had to close the church for three weeks. My husband died on November 9 from Covid during that period, but even that did not deter me from reaching out to the community. What better way to get through grief than to do the Lord's work by reaching out to others? Serving others has blessed me, and as I continue to serve, my blessings have not been slowed. 

We also started a sewing ministry when our school shut down in 2019. Several nursing homes received lap quilts from the dedicated women of our church at that time. In December of this past year, we filled nearly 190 Christmas stockings for nursing homes in the area. One of the ladies donated several beautifully knitted hats and scarves for children or grandchildren. What a blessing it is to be involved in outreach--and truly, our community would notice our church's absence.