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New Associate Education Superintendent: Charlotte Green


Charlotte Green has accepted the call to serve as the new Associate Superintendent of Education for the Michigan Conference. The position opened up with the retirement of Sally Smith that begins in October. Charlotte, a teacher with broad experience in various contexts, will join the team of superintendent Jeremy Hall and associate superintendent Brian Kittleson. 

Charlotte is no stranger to Michigan and began her teaching journey eight years ago at Grand Rapids Adventist Academy and has served as the principal for the last four years. Growing up, she attended a one-room elementary school through the eighth grade in northern Michigan. 

She received her master’s in K-12 with a focus on special education from McKendree University in Lebanon, IL and is also certified by the North American Division. Her broad educational journey has prepared her for this ministry transition and calling. Prior to teaching in Michigan, she taught a range of grade levels in both the intercity and rural contexts in public school settings. 

“Charlotte is a servant leader that seeks to do everything she possibly can to support her teachers and meet their needs,” said Hall. “She looks forward to continuing to work with principals, teachers, and students throughout the Michigan Conference.”

Charlotte and her husband Derek have two daughters, Elizabeth and Victoria. We invite the Conference family to lift Charlotte and her family in our prayers as she makes the transition to Lansing.