Dear Michigan Conference Family,
Pastor Terry Nelson, conference evangelist and pastor within the Michigan Conference for nearly 25 years, was laid to his rest yesterday, January 6, 2021. Pastor Nelson also served as District Superintendent for a number of years and pastored the Holt, Boyne City, Gaylord, Central Lake, Urbandale, Marshall, Three Rivers, Centreville, Clare and Edenville churches through his decades of ministry service.
He also played a leading role at camp meeting while overseeing the audio/visual department, that provided livestream services and DVD/audio recordings that were distributed both near and far.
His passion for ministry, soul winning, and his gregarious personality and smile will be sorely missed by the Michigan Conference family.
At this time, let us keep his wife Nancy, his four children and grandchildren, and his broader family in our heartfelt thoughts and prayers. We’re reminded by the words of the Savior, that our hearts are not to be troubled, that Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for His people. We praise the Lord that He “will come again and receive us to Himself, that where He is, there we may be also” (John 14:1-3).
Finally, we echo the sentiments expressed by Tiffany, his daughter, “We were blessed to have had an incredibly loving, faith-driven, fun, supportive, hard-working father who loved the Lord with all of his heart.”
Plans for his memorial are still being finalized, and we will share the details when they are made available.
Pastor Terry Nelson is survived by his wife Nancy, daughters Jennifer (Dan), Tiffany, Bethany, and son Tyler (Billi), and grandchildren.
in the blessed hope,
Jim Micheff