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Share Your Camp Meeting Experience

Looking for Camp Meeting Experiences

We're looking for ways God has used camp meeting to change your life for the better. It can be a singular event, or the result of attending camp meeting for the span of years.

Ways that God has transformed your life:

  • Spiritually
  • Conversion experience
  • Spirit-filled message(s)
  • Answer to prayer
  • Lifelong friendship(s)
  • Other ways God used camp meeting to profoundly impact who you are today. 

What to Share?

  • Name
  • Church you attend
  • Best way to reach you
  • A brief paragraph or two sharing and describing your experience

Where to Share?

Email info & testimony to: communication@misda.org

Why Share?

We're planning to create a video that will be shared at camp meeting, highlighting the amazing ways that God is utilizing camp meeting to transform hearts and lives.