Video: Module #1 - Law of the Lid
PowerPoint: "Law of the Lid"
Handout PDF: "Introduction to Facilitative Leadership"
PowerPoint: "Introduction to Facilitative Leadership"
Video: Module #2 - Law of Influence
PowerPoint: "Law of Influence"
Handout PDF: "Focus on Results, Processes and Relationships"
PowerPoint: "Focus on Results, Processes and Relationships"
Video: Module #3 - Law of Empowerment Passcode: 6.EuSV1&
PowerPoint: "Law of Empowerment"
Handout PDF: "Seek Maximum Appropriate Involvement"
PowerPoint: "Seek Maximum Appropriate Involvement"
Video: Module #4 - The Law of Victory
PowerPoint: "The Law of Victory"
Handout PDF: "Facilitate Agreement"
PowerPoint: "Facilitate Agreement"
Video: Module #5 - Share an Inspiring Vision Passcode: *=R=JXN7
PowerPoint: "The Law of Navigation"
Handout PDF: "Share an Inspiring Vision"
Video: Module #6 - Meeting Design and Execution Passcode: Gc@+v.A6
PowerPoint: Meeting Design and Execution
PDF: Meeting Design and Execution
Video: Module #7 - Facilitative Leadership Review - Passcode: *.7ur4k$
PDF: Facilitative Leadership Review
Video: Module #8 - Coach for Performance - Passcode: DB%9RU=+
PowerPoint: Coach for Performance
Principal's Meeting: January 26, 2023 - Continuous School Improvement Plan
Passcode: h3$h.!6P
Principal's Meeting: February 23, 2023
Daniel Morrison's presentation on AI